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Yakima HangOver 4
Yakima HangOver Hitch bolt
Yakima HangOver Rear Wheel Cup with strap
Yakima HangOver Tongue threaded insert
Yakima HangOver Y strap
Yakima HangOver Cradle Complete NEW
Yakima HangOver Lower Bar Hardware Kit
Yakima HangOver Wheel Cup Knob

Yakima Hangover Spare Parts

Regular price $26.00
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Perfect for tour operators, group rides and big families. Constructed of heavy-duty steel, our first-ever vertical bike rack safely hauls up to six mountain bikes to the trailhead. We designed and tested it in the lab and on the road to meet our demanding Yakima standards. The easy-to-operate tilt mechanism with two adjustable mast angles keep your bikes from bumping into your car, truck or SUV and makes accessing the tailgate a breeze. The HangOver’s vertical orientation carries more bikes in less space. Get ready to session!